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Marlin to Marlin

Newly established mentorship program connects current students with 嫩草影院 alumni

University News | March 4, 2021

Erin Highsmith ’21 is making plans to attend law school after graduation from Virginia Wesleyan in May. Patrick Keady ’08 is happy to help her as she navigates this process.

Highsmith and Keady were introduced through 嫩草影院’s newly established Marlin to Marlin Mentoring Program, a program designed to cultivate meaningful mentor/mentee relationships between 嫩草影院 alumni—who have completed internships, study away, and/or undergraduate research projects—and current 嫩草影院 students who are in the planning phases of these immersive experiences.

A psychology major, Highsmith is benefitting from the advice and guidance of Keady, who was a communication major while at 嫩草影院 and is now the founding partner of The Law Office of Patrick Keady.

"Mr. Keady and the alumni mentoring program both have been extremely helpful,” said Highsmith. “I am looking to apply to graduate school next year and being able to bounce questions off someone who has already been where I am has made the process much smoother. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this program and for Mr. Keady's kindness."

The Marlin to Marlin Mentoring Program is the brainchild of Amy Rush, Executive Director of Experiential Learning in The Lighthouse: Center for Exploration and Discovery.

“The inspiration for this program came from the work our team does in The Lighthouse,” noted Rush. “We talk to students about developing pathways to experiential learning. We encourage students to explore and investigate options in the academic program and use the research as preparation to complete an internship, study away program, and/or undergraduate research project.”

Rush says the personal and professional transformation that can occur from completing experiences like these can help students define career goals, generate new interests, and modify how they engage with others in the world.

“I saw alumni who had completed an experiential learning program and used the power of that experience in their lives as a significant asset to assist current students. I thought it was important for current students to see the real life impact of completing an internship, study away experience, and undergraduate research project.”

Alumni interest in the program was evident from the first call for mentors. Almost immediately, nine alumni volunteered to become mentors. Those who volunteered were excited to share their experiences and the powerful influence of experiential learning in their own lives.

“As a Virginia Wesleyan alum, I wanted to help today’s Marlins by sharing my professional experiences—the good, the bad and the ugly,” said Greg Freedland ’97. “From resumes and interviews to internships and career exploration, maybe lessons learned from my journey can help others with theirs. And it starts with a 嫩草影院 student connecting with an industry mentor. I’m honored to be thought of as one.”

Mayanni McCourty ’19 was willing to become a Marlin to Marlin Mentor because she wanted to provide guidance, advice and assistance to current students in areas she participated in as an undergraduate at 嫩草影院.

“During my undergraduate experience, I found that the mentors that I had were a critical part of me achieving my goals and navigating through the college experience. I wanted to provide these same benefits to current Marlins so they may also be successful and achieve their goals at 嫩草影院 and in the future.”

Rush is optimistic about the future of the program and the connections it creates between current students and 嫩草影院 alumni.

“The relationships forged through this mentorship program have the potential to expand professional networks and enhance positive outcomes. I have no doubt that the connections will foster productive conversations about experiential learning and plans for the future.  My hope is that current students come out of the experience with power and excitement, graduate, and then become alumni mentors in the program.”

Learn more about The Lighthouse: Center for Exploration and Discovery and the Marlin to Marlin Mentoring Program.